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Brushed is a boutique self-publishing agency, and our goal is to provide quality services to authors who want to publish their books quickly and efficiently.  

Brushed Publishing services is the perfect publishing solution for the discerning author who is looking for a complete, high quality, personal publishing program. Our team offers a variety of services such as formatting and creating original cover art for your book.  Contact us to get started today or call 678-887-9743!



  • One on One publishing meeting

  • Author Support (Via email)

  • Full Color Cover Design and Layout 

  • Interior Formatting and Design 

  • Electronic Proof of Design before Printing

  • Personalized Back Cover (photo, bio, synopsis etc)

  • ISBN/Barcode Assignment (For listing in/on Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc.)

  • Nonexclusive Contract (You own 100% of the rights to your book!)

  • Online Distribution (When your book is finished, it will be available to order online through hundreds of sites, including & Apple)

  • Book royalty management & On-demand Analytics

  • 1 complimentary printed "proof" copy

  • On-demand wholesale book printing services

  • Hourly consulting as needed

  • Event space for book launches

  • Financing available through afterpay



E-book Publishing 

Your book is completely written and with the cover designed and you simply need it published.
(design specs required)


Print Only Package

Your book is completely written and you have all creative assets ready. You simply need publishing and printing.
(design specs required)


Full Publishing Package
Your book is completely written but you need a professional cover designed and formatted.

(design specs required)

art and computers.jfif

Full Publishing Package
or photo book)
Your book is completely written and you have all creative assets ready. You need cover design, interior layout, publishing and printing.
(does not include illustration)



  • Question: What will it take to publish my book?

    • First, decide which of our packages suit your needs.

    • Next, contact us at and give us a brief description of your book.  Please include your book title, genre, type and preferred publish date.

    • We will email and or call you about submitting your manuscript.

    • Within a few days, we will make a decision about publishing your book and you will be contacted.

    • If it is decided that the project is going forward, an team member will speak with you about payment for services and the terms of our non-exclusive contract.

    • Once all files have have been submitted, you will receive a FINAL PDF proof of your book and the cover.

    • After you have approved both the inside layout and the cover for the book, the project will be ready to print, and you will officially be a published author!

    • The next steps will include shipping the number of copies requested, and listing your book for sale on the Internet. Congratulations!

  • Question: How long will it take to publish my book?

    • From the time we receive your press-ready files, it can take up to 90 days to print your book. There are a number of variables to consider when estimating the time it takes to produce your book. Pre-press or the preparation of the typography, page layouts, illustrations, cover and bindery method selected all play a part. Depending on format choices and the kind of manuscript you provide, we may need a week or two to prepare an electronic proof for you to review and approve. Other considerations that may delay or accelerate publication dates include proofreading, editing, illustration and book design. Special requirements such as finished size, paper stock, and bindery methods can also impact the delivery schedule.

  • Question: After my book has been published, what will I need to do?

    • We encourage authors to develop a personal marketing plan to supplement publicity efforts once the book hits the market. A successful book marketing plan can include, but is not limited to: holding book signings at bookstores and other venues, coordinating speaking events, distributing marketing materials, creating a book-focused website, sending out a newsletter and writing contributed articles for local news publications. Coupled with your book’s publicity campaign, your personal marketing efforts can play a major role in establishing your credibility as an author and spreading the message about your book. Brushed Publishing offers general consulting with marketing which includes an additional charge.

  • Question: Do you have an age requirement?

    • Anyone signing a book contract with Brushed Publishing must be 18 years of age or older. If you are not 18, you can have a parent or legal guardian sign a contract for you.

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